Date:2005/Dec/1(Thu)10:00-12:00 Venue:IIS, University of Tokyo, D Block, Dw601 Invited Speaker:Neurophisiologist Dr. Juan-Carlos Letelier(Universidad de Chile) Abstract: The notion of metabolic closure is presented and analyzed in terms of Robert Rosen’s theory of (M,R) systems. Recent results concerning (M,R) systems are reviewed, specially those defining self-referential equations like f(f) = f. We relate (M,R) systems to Autopoiesis, another theory centered on metabolic closure, and we speculate how an algebraic view of metabolism could be used in the analysis of metabolic pathways. As a helping metaphor we consider it necessary to build, in the context of (M,R) systems, an analogy to Tellegen’s theorem, but based purely on closure arguments, for metabolic networks.